Track Your Order - Global Package Tracking
Track all your shipments with your shipping number
International Package Tracking
1 Input tracking number instruction
1.1 Enter the tracking number
Enter your tracking number without any spaces or dashes, one tracking number per line. Up to 40 tracking numbers can be added. Please ensure the tracking number is a combination of letters or digits.
See below example codes: RJ556381428CN (China Post Registered Airmail), CP921694660HK (Hong Kong Post Registered Parcel), LN328306902US (USPS E-packet Airmail), 3861078222 (DHL Express Service).
1.2 Track the number
Enter a valid tracking number, then click the “TRACK” button; the tracking result will be retrieved from the carrier’s official site and presented to you directly.
2 View tracking result instruction
Honeykissme will automatically track the package status and information. You can view the package status and sub-status, the transport time, the country of origin and destination, the carrier of the origin country and the destination country, the estimated delivery time, the detailed track information, and more information. Click here to view the status.
2.1 The transport time
Total time from the order collected by carrier to picked up by recipient.
2.2 Sub-status
Sub-status are provided by the carrier. They include more detal info about your package such as Arrival, Damaged, etc. The carrier may not provide sub-status, so you may not see them sometime.
2.3 Estimated delivery time
Estimated delivery time is provided by the carrier and may be not provided. If the package has been delivered, it will display the delivery time.
2.4 More information
View information such as package weight and volume, Last-mile Tracking Number and carrier. Not displayed if the carrier does not provide it.